How to Select the Most Effective Acoustic Panels for Space

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Acoustic wall treatments are designed to reduce the levels of noise pollution at homes and workplaces. They are made from sound absorbent material that ensures noise reduction by preventing sound echoes. Most rooms are usually affected by noise from outside or within the room since it is bounced off from the hard surfaces in the room, therefore, amplifying the sound. Different types of acoustic panels have varying abilities to absorb sound hence improving sound quality. The acoustic panels work with other principles such as attenuation, absorption, and diffusion.

Types of Acoustic Panels

  • Freestanding acoustic panels
  • Wall-mounted acoustic panel
  • Suspended acoustic ceiling clouds.
  • Absorptive vs. diffusive ceiling rafts
  • Suspended acoustic baffles.

How to Match a Type of Acoustic Panel to a Suitable Place for Better Performance.

  1. Vertical acoustic panels

This acoustic panel is designed to prevent any sound transfer from one part of the room to another. The lower the levels of background noise sources, hence attaining the acceptable limits. They also work by reducing the echoing time of the sound waves. Some of the designs of vertical panels include wall-mounted panels, freestanding panels, and ceiling suspended panels. The area also installed in partitions covering the floor to the topenables complete blockage of noise from the room.



  1. Horizontal acoustic panels

Horizontal acoustic panel designs are made with the ability to absorb sound directly. They work by converting sound energy to heat energy hence preventing them from getting reflected or distributed by making them using absorbent materials. They include ceiling suspended panels.

Where are acoustic panels used

Locating acoustic panels for effective reduction of background noise, minimization of sound transfer, and reduction of echo time requires proper positioning, which depends on the type of room being treated, the materials that makeup space, the purpose of the area and the furniture type in the room. When the room is small, the sound quickly bounces off the walls since the hard surfaces are close to the source of noise pollution. Wall-mounted panels are the most effective in such rooms since they will absorb the sound directly before bouncing off.

Sound waves within an ample space behave differently. The sound waves don’t get bounced back by the hard surfaces in the room and may even lose energy before they hit a surface. Horizontal panels are most suitable for such spaces. Air currents in the room amplify sound in large spaces. Horizontal acoustic panels help to capture the sound waves hence stopping them from propagating.


Acoustic panels are made of sound-absorbent material that enables sound reduction in homes, offices, and various spaces. They are available in a variety and different styles, each with insulative properties. Some are designed to be both decorative and functional hence considered as a way of designing a space. The proper type of acoustic panel should be matched to the kind of space being treated since different types of space amplify noise differently.

Originally posted 2023-03-07 12:05:46.

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